Poetic Mode Trial and Overall Evaluation

In this video I look at one of Bill Nichol's documentary modes, the 'poetic mode'. For this I simply removed my voiceover from my 'expository mode' trial to make a montage video with the topic being my school. I think that this is a good mode as it can be simple to watch and to understand, when I go to film my own documentary I will defiantly consider the poetic mode, even if it is only for a section. Poetic mode can also be impressive on the eye depending on what the footage is.

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Overall, I have found trialling the four out of the six documentary modes helpful as I now have a clear vision in my head of how I want to portray my final documentary. Poetic and expository mode were my favourites as they are pleasing to watch as well as being informative. Observational mode would fit a crime genre documentary as an example however because I'm not looking at doing a crime documentary I don't think that I'll use it in my final product. Observational mode was much more simple to edit compared to poetic and expository as I used un-cut footage to show the whole observation however it is not as appealing to watch and the audience may not know what they are meant to look out for. Reflective mode was another style of documentary which I don't think I'll be using as I found it difficult to portray. Similar to observational, it was simple to edit as the footage was un-cut however I do think that it could come across as messy in my documentary.


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