Expository Mode Trial

I've decided to put Bill Nichols six documentary modes to the test. To do this I have chosen four out of the six modes to create snippet examples (expository, observational, reflective and poetic are the modes I chose). This will give me more insight of different documentary techniques which will help for when I create my final documentary, broadening my knowledge of documentaries. I chose the topic of my school to film as I believe that it has artistic potetial as it is an attractive school.

The first mode I trailed was expository mode. To do this is I simply added a voiceover to a montage I created. Expository mode helps give information about what the audience is viewing which can be easier for them to watch as they don't need to think about what is happening. This has given me ideas for when I go to film my documentary as the style is informative as well as artistic.

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