Using Adobe Premier Pro for the First Time

During our media class we have gotten to the stage in groups where learning to use professional editing programs is important so that we can have the best quality opening scene as possible. For our perlimerary task we simply used iMovie to put our shots together however by upgrading to Adobe will increase our skills massively. Independently, we went onto the computers and watched the editing tutorial with Adobe offers, along side this it provides some clips for you to practice editing together before using your own footage. I found this really useful and I look forward to using Adobe Premier Pro for our final piece.

Update: March 28th 2019
As an overview in comparison to the first time using Adobe Premier Pro, my editing skills have developed loads. Jake Redshaw who is in my group did majority of the editing however I still get involved; to put in my opinions and also so that I could expand my knowledge. It still takes me a while edit as I don't find it a simple process however having the task to produce an opening scene has helped loads. There are so many things in which you need to consider such as the titling and how to convert sound on the video. I carried on the process of watching tutorial and asking people in my class how do do certain things. Overall, I think that my editing skills have defiantly developed however I still have places in which I can improve as I'm consistently learning new tools and techniques.


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