Titles in Opening Scenes: New Films

Ocean's 8- June 2018
The film starts off with the production company of the film which is a well respected company giving hope to the audience that’ll be a good quality film. The film starts off with a medium close up introducing us to the first character in a naturalistic situation in prison. She is a famous actress which intrigues the audience especially if they have watched films featuring her before. The fact she is in prison makes the audience want to watch on too see why she got herself in that place. The setting of the prison also sets the scene linking to the genre of the film, crime. She starts by giving a story of her family and we get to find out what happened to her without it taking up loads of screen time. There is an extreme long shot of the city giving a set of scene. Whilst getting different camera shots and angles of the setting, the film uses Star Billing to advertise the film as the film features a famous casting. The font is in Sans Serif giving its modern, clean style to the film. 

Drive- September 2011

The film starts off by showing marks of quality by advertising the production team and a few selected credits of the film showing star billing. This gives hope to the film as it has well know and respected people working with the film. The fonts are in Sans Serif, giving a modern feel to the film. The film starts with a Non-Diagetic voiceover from the main character who the audience is waiting to see. We get a shot of a map with points drawn on it, linking to the illegal job of the main character. Threw the window it shows a long shot of a city, giving a sense of setting. At the start we don’t see a full shot of the character, we only get snippets of him for example, his eyes threw the mirror in the car. A undershot is taken of him, symbolising the fact he is a character with purpose and control. We then get to see the second character of the film, a engineer in a car workshop, linking to the title of the film, drive. 

The Greatest Showman- December 2017 

The opening of The Greatest Showman beings with the 20th Centry Fox logo, this is a common use of mark of quality as 20th Centry Fox is a popular and well respected production company, giving hope to the audience that it will be a good quality film. Acoustically it opens with the theme tune of the musical. This intrigues the audience to watch the film as it is a catchy theme tune with constant beats providing tension to when we get too see the characters. When we see the main character ( P.T Barnum) for the first time there is low lighting giving  mystery to the character, it also starts with dance moves and the theme tune, opening to the theme of a musical. The title is shown in a Serif font, this suggests that the film is set many years ago as this is an old fashioned font. We get to see all the characters for the first time giving a good introduction to the cast. It’s a colourful opening with loads of colour, suggesting it’s a fun family film. 


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