Setting Hunting

Set: Chester 
We are considering shooting our establishing scenes in Chester or Shrewsbury, Chester is a good place for shooting as it is a Roman town which still has old-fashioned elements, working perfectly with the era of our film.

Set: Shrewsbury 
Scene: 2
To provide a range of shots for our scene, we found a pathway which we thought would be a good shot as it gives mystery to the audience of what is about to happen next, as the shots in Shrewsbury show no signs of people.

Set: School, girls bathroom 
Scene: 3
In this scene, we meet the Femme Fatale for the first time. She is topping up her red lipstick in a bathroom before entering the protagonists office. We thought that the bathroom would be a good setting as it is old fashioned and feminine as it has floral patterns on the tiles.

Set: Shrewsbury
Scene: 2
A typical Film Noir convention is to have a extreme long-shot of a town/city. Even though in our script the dialogue says the film is set in London, we decided to film the shot in Shrewsbury as it is an old town and is more conventional to film shots as it is closer to get to.

Set: School, 6 form boys boarding house 
Scene: 2 
It’s more pratical for me ( as the pure women) to film my shots in school. We found that around the boys boarding house may be good for shooting some shots as they could also be interpreted as some old-fashioned styled houses.

Set: Teachers Office 
Scene: 1 & 3
Both the bad guy and protagonist film their scenes in offices, originally we tried to find two offices which both share Film Noir conventions however this was hard to find. This teachers office has venetian blinds which is typical for Film Noirs as it reflects shadows on the props and characters. To make it look like two different shots, we filmed in different sections of the room per scenes. 

Set: Teachers Office 
Scene: 1
We film many shots at a desk, therefore it was important to find one which would suggest the right era and style. Our teachers office has a old styled lamp which reflects shadows onto the desk and he ready had papers on his desk which we could use as props.


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